Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Menu, Weigh-in & Troubleshooting

Poo.  Gained.
Lost no weight this past week, in fact, I gained 2 pounds.  I don't know what happened, but it was weird.  I weighed in Monday, then again two days later, and finally on Saturday again, and the scale just wouldn't budge.  The good thing is I checked again this morning and I'm already down a pound - whew!  I hate losing ground.

I know I didn't drink enough water last week, so that's one of the things I'll be focusing on this week.  I also didn't track food due to the WW site issue.

My solution is to eat pretty much the same menu from last week and increase my water intake.  I'm also decreasing the amount of fruit I've been consuming for snacks.  I think it might have been too much sugar (I was getting up to 4 servings a day =o).

More effort into exercise will be an additional thing - that was a bit lacking last week.  Of course, there was the 3.2 miles I walked on Sunday.  Good thing I did that.

Since working out in the afternoons isn't panning out, I've rearranged my schedule.  I'm going to try becoming a morning person and work out before work - crazy right?  It just seems that I'm too sleepy to do it in the afternoons.

Looking forward to the workout energy to last me the whole day!  Plus, I'll be going to be earlier so that means more sleep!  I'll let you know how it goes...


  1. If I don't get my workout done in the morning, most of the time it won't get done. It works best for me, and it feels good to know you have already gotten it done when you start your day.

    1. Sheryl, I was motivated to try exercising in the morning by reading your blog! =D


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