Friday, May 24, 2013

How many times can we fail at something before we succeed?

Four days in a row apparently!  Although, I have gotten better, I still haven't met my water goal yet this week.  Today, I managed around 60 ounces.  Tomorrow, I am going to focus on getting to that elusive 80 ounce mark one way or another.  I can do this!!

Training step goal wasn't met again, but I expected that due to the classroom environment at work.  There was a new victory today though, because I got on the treadmill and did 20 minutes at 3.0 mph.  It wasn't even that hard - what?!?

Finally, meals.  Yay!  Got all those - YES!! Success somewhere - Gotta get 'em where I can.

I'm thinking about getting more accountability in this journey.  I've never tried Weight Watchers, but I'm going to look into it.  I do like their string cheese =p

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Good news or bad news first?

Bad news first?  Okay...

Setbacks for today:

-Didn't make the water goal <again>
-Didn't meet the step goal  (In a classroom environment for two days - very little steppin')
-Didn't stick to the food plan =(

Now for the good news?

Victories for today:

-Drank around 70 ounces of water today!!! Only 10 more to go - yay!!!

-Knew I wasn't going to make the 8K steps, so I did 20 minutes on the treadmill at 2.8mph instead of 2.5.  Woo-hooooo!!  Granted it was 9pm when I did it, but woo-hoooo!!

-Food deviated at lunchtime and almost dinnertime.  This one requires explanation... The building I was in today celebrated Memorial Day by providing everyone free lunch.  It wasn't just any ol' lunch though.  No, they brought in one of my absolute favorites - Bird Dog BBQ.  Now if you're from the Springs, you know that's some GOOD BBQ!  And of course, I couldn't be rude and turn it down for my measly ham sandwich right?  So I had a small (fit in the palm-of-your-hand size) pulled-pork sandwich, with about a tablespoon of BBQ sauce, a couple tablespoons each of beans and potato salad, and the smallest piece of chocolate brownie I could find.  Seriously, it was like 1x1 inch!  Finally, I get to the cooler of ice-covered beverages, and the bane of my existence is lying in wait... Mountain Dew!!!! NOOOOO!!!  I'm in a class and I know I'm going to be soooooo sleepy after eating and I just know there's going to be a video!!  BUT!!  I grabbed a water instead.  AND!! I did not go back for seconds even though I really really wanted to!  VICTORY!!!

I came home from work all down on myself for all the failures setbacks though.  Then to top it off, my kitchen was a disaster and for some reason did NOT clean itself while I was at work today.  I was so close to just throwing in the towel and going out to eat.  Nope, didn't do it.  But you should've heard the little voice in my head!  It was like, "Look, it's not that big a deal, just go to Subway like Jared, it'll be fine."  But then there's the temptation of chips (I like Doritos - a lot) and sugary drinks - definitely addicted to those, so I opted out.  Got some teen help in the kitchen and by 7 we had clean and clear counter space by which to cook dinner.

So, very cool - turning all those disappointments around really made my day turn out better.

Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like you just keep getting smashed down?  They don't happen very often for me, but when they do, it stinks.  What do you do to pick yourself up again? Gym?  Yoga?  Quiet time?  Reading?  Deep breathing exercises?  What works for you?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Need... More... Water...

Those are the words my body would say to me if it could talk.  Yes indeed - more water is definitely necessary.  So far (uh, yesterday and today, whew!) I've only managed around 50 of the recommended 80 ounces.  However, TMI ALERT, I read somewhere that going for one clear pee a day is good too.  I got that at 10am, so it's all downhill from there right?

Food-wise, I did pretty well.  Yesterday, I stuck to the plan really well.  Today, I deviated slightly.  Had popcorn and a Monster energy drink that weren't on the plan.  Didn't finish the entire monster - about half - and only had a couple bites of trail mix to stave off the afternoon hunger.  Then, had a late-ish afternoon appointment that I hadn't thought about when menu-planning.  These types of things are usually what get me off track.  It's so easy to throw aside the plans to cook dinner when you arrive home 2 hours later than normal (it's easy to throw workout plans aside too for that matter!).  But VICTORY!!  Today, I called home and asked my teen to start/cook dinner.  YES!!  We had spaghetti (Thursday night's meal) instead of chicken, but that's ok, we'll work that out tomorrow night.

On the training front, all is well.  Yesterday, I stepped over 8,000 steps--8,229 to be exact.  Today, while I haven't gone to bed yet, I walked for 20 minutes on the treadmill after dinner AND current steps are at 11,902!!  WOW!! Blew the 8,000 goal right outta the water.  Today was busy for me at work though - Wednesdays always are - but almost 12,000?  Suh-WEEET!

Finally, you know that afternoon appointment today?  Well, that was a doctor appointment.  We were talking about some test results - guess I'm a little on the low side w/ vitamin D.  Not a lot low, just a little according to him.  Apparently it's common at this altitude.  Hmmmph, who knew?  I'll have to look that one up.  Anyway, we got to talking about weight loss and I'm saying, no wait, complaining how I've gained like 5 lbs a year for the last 4 years.  Is it this or maybe that, I ask.  He just kinda looks at me and I'm like, or maybe it's just too many cheeseburgers?  That got a wee chuckle.  Then he says, "you know... as we get older, our metabolism slows down quite a bit.  In fact, in our late 30s to early 40s, it's incredibly difficult to lose the pounds because it seems like our metabolism comes to a screeching halt."  Now, I put that in quotes, but it's not verbatim.  Regardless, what I heard is "you realize you're old right? And you've picked THE WORST time in your life to lose weight."  Yep, old and fat, that's what I heard.  But look, while it would be so stinkin' easy to use that as an excuse to give up, I have decided I will NOT quit!!!

Difficult is the journey ahead, but impossible, it is not.  (Wait, did I just sound like Yoda right there?)

Definitely time for bed.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Okay, here they are - menus for the week, workouts for the month and a water tracker (b/c I NEVER seem to drink enough water!)...

The food in my meal plan is by no means the healthiest choice out there, but it's what I can do right now, where I am.  As I progress, then hopefully, I will start craving less cheeseburgers and more green stuff.  My goal this month is to stop eating out at the drop of a hat.  By keeping portion sizes under control, planning meals, and drinking lots of water, I will be taking the right <baby> steps toward a healthier lifestyle.  It's not a diet, it's not a diet, it's not a diet....


FF yogurt, Bare Naked Fit granola, strawberries
Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Cashew Bar
Ham Sandwich w/lite mayo & mustard on wheat, Sun chips, & water
Nabisco 100 calorie snack
Chicken enchiladas w/ green chili on shredded lettuce w/ tomato, FF Shredded cheddar, & LF sour cream
Decaf iced tea


Total Raisin Bran cereal w/ 2% milk plus strawberries
Celery w/ peanut butter
Leftovers from Tuesday dinner
Homemade Trail mix
Honey-mustard pretzel-coated chicken breast w/spinach & strawberry salad plus walnuts and raspberry-vinaigrette dressing
Decaf iced tea


Turkey Sausage & 2% cheese on English Muffin
Fuji apple w/ sharp cheddar slices
Ham Sandwich w/lite mayo & mustard on wheat, Sun chips, & water
Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Cashew Bar
Spaghetti & meat sauce w/ spinach strawberry salad & 1 slice whole wheat garlic bread
Decaf iced tea


Total Raisin Bran cereal w/ 2% milk plus strawberries
Nabisco 100 calorie snack
Leftovers from Thursday dinner
Celery w/ peanut butter
Taco Pasta Salad - Veggie Pasta & taco-seasoned ground beef w/ salsa/sour cream mixture & FF Shredded cheddar
Decaf iced tea


Turkey Bacon & 2% cheese on English Muffin
Homemade Trail mix
Tuna salad (tuna, lt mayo, mustard, relish) on wheat w/ Sun chips
Fuji apple w/ sharp cheddar slices
Grilled Chicken breast, Jasmine rice w/ steamed broccoli
Decaf iced tea


I've been kicking this exercise thing around for a while now and I'm hoping that I've come up with a good plan that will keep me motivated and not bored.  I've decided that on 

Mondays I'm going to do some type of outdoor activity - doesn't have to be strenuous, it just needs to get me moving outdoors.  I'm thinking hiking, biking, geocaching with friends, etc.  

Tuesdays and Thursdays will simply be walking at least 8,000 steps during the day - time's up when I go to bed.

Wednesdays and Fridays I'll be using the brand-spanking-new treadmill (ProForm Performance 400c on sale at Sports Authority).

Saturdays get a little change-up with the xbox workouts. 

Here's what the schedule looks like... (I actually have a spreadsheet with these, plus a section for notes, but it doesn't paste well into the ol' blog - maybe I'll have to figure out attachments).

Weeks 1 & 2
Mondays - Pick a fun outdoor activity
Tuesdays - Do at least 8,000 steps (using FitBit to track)
Wednesdays - Treadmill for 20 minutes @ 2.5 mph minimum
Thursdays - Do at least 8,000 steps (using FitBit to track)
Fridays - Treadmill for 20 minutes @2.5 mph minimum
Saturdays - For 30 min., work out w/ the xbox - Fitness Evolved - I like the kickboxing 

Weeks 3 & 4 (Bumpin' it up a bit!)

Mondays - Pick a fun outdoor activity
Tuesdays - Do at least 10,000 steps (using FitBit to track)
Wednesdays - Treadmill for 30 minutes @ 3.0 mph minimum
Thursdays - Do at least 10,000 steps (using FitBit to track)
Fridays - Treadmill for 30 minutes @3.0 mph minimum
Saturdays - For 30 min., work out w/ the xbox - Fitness Evolved or Kinect Adventures

Finally, water.  Water is huge for me, especially here in CO.  It's nearly impossible for the body perform the chemical reaction of burning fat without water.  If I'm in a constant state of dehydration, then I'm thinking my body will struggle to burn anything and a lot of my effort will be wasted.  Well, I don't want that, now do I?

Water goal is at least 80 oz./day
I'm printing this and crossing off each 8 oz. as I go thru my week. (I like checking off stuff!! Feels like accomplishment or something.)

Monday 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8  ______
Tuesday 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8  ______
Wednesday 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8  ______
Thursday 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8  ______
Friday 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8  ______
Saturday 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8  ______
Sunday 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8  ______

So, what kinds of things have you found that work for you?  Are you just starting out with this whole fitness thing, or have you met your goals and like to hang out in the maintenance phase?  How do you stick to your plans when life gets in the way of weight loss?

Monday, May 20, 2013

First Post - Losing the negativity

I'm starting this blog, as I think many others have, to document my journey toward fitness.  I've tried over and over and over again for the last 5 years to get fit but failed.  Honestly let's not get all PC, I want to lose weight - there I said it.  Yes, I want fitness and health too, but really I just want this sack of flab gone!

I've lost my motivation somewhere along the way and it seems like every week now all I can do is complain about my failure to yet again - eat right, exercise or make any choice that even seems remotely healthy.  

Whew!  Ok, don't worry, I'm losing the negativity today.  

That's step one:  Lose the negativity.

How can we ever expect to accomplish anything positive or make a positive change if all we do is sabotage ourselves with bad attitudes.  Right?  I mean seriously - I know that if I've got the knowledge, skills, and abilities, I can do anything I set my mind to - leaving off stuff like rocket science and growing green things of course.  Actually, I'm trying that last one this year - more on that later.

So, today is May 20, 2013.  I weighed in this morning - after breakfast unfortunately, but it was small - and I'm starting this thing off at 225 lbs.  I'm 5'7" so I feel that my goal weight is around 145.  I really love lists and charts and such, so you'll probably be seeing some of that in the future.  But for now, if I go by the current suggestion of 2 lbs per week, it will take 40 weeks (around 10 months) to reach my goal.  That's a lot of weeks, but I didn't get here overnight, so I know it's a journey.  So hey, let's mark the calendar now... the 24th of February will be 40 weeks from today.  

Some folks believe that if you write out your goals as if you actually will accomplish them (what a concept) then you are more likely to achieve them.  That said...

By February 24th, 2014, I will reach my goal weight of 145 lbs.

Also, there's the old adage of "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."  Therefore, I will be posting my exercise and meal plans for each week AND whether or not I stick to them.  

On the nutrition side of this, I don't really want to count calories because I want this to become something I can do from now on, not just 'til I lose the weight, ya know?  However, I may find myself doing so, just not sure yet on the calorie thing.  I'm hoping that just knowing and controlling portion sizes and avoiding super fatty and super sugary foods will be enough for the nutrition side.  

As for exercise, I'm buying a treadmill... TODAY.  I don't know what brand or where or any details yet, but that's what I'm doing today while I'm out grocery shopping - buying a treadmill.  

Also, I live in Colorado Springs.  The air here is lacking a bit of... oh what's the word... oh yeah, OXYGEN!!!  Climbing just one flight of stairs wipes me out.  Yesterday, I was going to mow my yard and thought I was gonna have a heart attack just getting the mower out of the shed!!  So that's where I'm at physically.  I can walk, but running?  Probably not right away and maybe not ever because I hate running!!!!  The last time I ran and loved it was elementary school - that's right - prior to puberty!!  Actually I was like the fastest kid in my grade - what happened?  Oh right, I forgot, puberty.  
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