Saturday, December 28, 2013

Registered for my first Triathlon!

I'm officially a triathlete in training!  Woo-Hooo!!  Yep, I registered for the TriBella Triathlon on June 28, 2014.  It's an all-women event being held at Cherry Creek State Park.  There are two distances for this one - a sprint and a super sprint.  I took the plunge and went with the regular sprint (1/2 mile swim, 10 mile bike and 3.1 mile run).

Later, in the Spring, I want to take a drive to the park and check it out.  I'm all excited now and I really want to check it out tomorrow, but it's snowing right now, so I guess I'll have to wait =(

It would be really cool to throw in a 5K between now and then too, don't ya think?  I haven't picked one, but I'm sure there'll be dozens to choose from.  It'll be a nice motivator to get my butt movin' in the right direction.

I'm glad there are neither in CO!


  1. That's awesome! I did a triathlon in 2006 - my husband knows I am not the best swimmer and it was awesome to see his face when I got out of the water - he could finally sigh with relief! :D


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