Thursday, August 21, 2014

Getting' it Done

Went to the gym - check!

This week is going really great.  I'm very focused and I'm looking forward to seeing this weight fall off.

A goal-oriented reward is in order.  I think my reward to myself for ultimately reaching my goal weight will be a cruise to the Bahamas.  I want to feel great about myself and all the hard work it takes to be fit.  The cruise terminal is nearby now, so it'll be an affordable prize.  

Bike 30 minutes / 5.39 miles 

Breakfast:  Honey Nut Cheerios w/fresh raspberries & 2% milk
Snack:  Homemade Trail Mix
Lunch:  Leftover Asian Peanut Chicken w/Noodles 
Snack:  Was supposed to be a nectarine, but it was bad =(
Dinner:  Michael Angelo's Fettucini Alfredo w/Chicken

As you can see above, my afternoon snack didn't work out so well.  I think the nectarine went bad.  It was hard and crunchy (as in not ripe) on the outside and all brown around the pit.  Didn't look appetizing at all and it didn't really taste great like they normally do.  So here's the thing.  Do you continue to eat something just to finish it off even though it doesn't taste good?  I vote no.  I used to finish whatever it was because it would be a waste not to, but not now.  If something doesn't meet the standard of taste or quality, then why waste calories eating it?  I'm already disappointed, so why continue?  More disappointment?  No!  I'm in control, not my stomach OR my bad habits.  In the trash with you, you crappy fruit!!  I will not be a slave to food.  Food is NOT my friend, it's food. (I'm going to make a T-Shirt with that and have the quote surrounded by sharks lol!  Sorry, bit of a Nemo fan here.)

Well, I'm done with work for the week, so I'm sleeping in tomorrow.  However, as soon as I wake up, I'm headed to the park with the pups for a nice walk.  Have a great Friday everyone!

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